It’s not only illuminati, but also reptilians and their slaves-the grey.
If you don’t believe in such creatures, than you shouldn’t read further.
Thanks to my friend I have discovered that ancient Slavian God- Perun have made the prediction that greys and reptilians will arrive to this planet.
He called them the enemies from other worlds. He called others to gather around and write down Santias. Santias are poems that contain information about ancient history and future.
Everything from them came true so far.
I decided to make few quotes from them and translate them from Russian to English.
Santia #5
“10 (74). Но придут из Мира Тьмы чужеземные вороги,
и начнут глаголить Детям Человеческим
слова льстивые, ложью прикрытые.
И станут совращать старых и малых,
и дочерей Человеческих будут брать себе в жены...
Иринировать[41] будут между собой...
и между людьми... и между животными...
И приучать к этому начнут
все народы Мидгард-Земли,
а тех, кто не станет внимать словам их,
и следовать деяниям низменным Чужеземцев,
предадут мучениям со страданиями...”
But enemies (from other lands) from world of darkness will come,
and will start to tell to human children
flattery words covered in lies.
And will start to pervert old ones and young ones,
and will marry human daughters...
They will mate with others of their kind....
and with humans... and with animals...
And will make get used to that
all people of Midgard-Earth,
but those who won’t listen to their words,
and follow low deeds of other landers’
they torture and make them suffer...
„12 (76). По серой коже их,
вы узнаете Чужеземных ворогов...
Глаза цвета Мрака у них, и двуполы они,
и могут быть женой, аки мужем[42].
Каждый из них может быть отцом, либо матерью...
Разукрашивают они красками лица свои,
чтобы походить на Детей Человеческих...
и никогда не снимают одеяний своих,
дабы не обнажилась нагота звериная их... „
By their grey skin
you will recognize enemies from other lands...
They have eyes of night color and they are hermofrodites,
Can be husband or wife.
Each one of thaem can be mother or father...
They paint their faces with colors
to look like human children...
and never take their clothes off,
so not to uncover their animal nakedness.
„13 (77). Ложью и лестью неправедной
захватят они многие края Мидгард-Земли,
как они уже поступали на других Землях[43],
во многих Мирах во Времена прошлой Великой Ассы[44],
но побеждены будут они,
и сосланы в страну Гор Рукотворных[45],
где проживать будут люди с кожей цвета Мрака
и потомки Рода Небесного
пришедшие из земли Бога Ния.
И дети Человеческие начнут учить трудиться их,
дабы могли они сами выращивать злаки
и овощи для питания детей своих... „
With lies and flattery (not right one)
they will take over many edges of Midgard-Earth,
just like they did on other planets,
in many worlds in time of past great Assa(fight of Gods in the sky with dark forces),
but they will get defeated
and will be sent to the land of hand made mountains(ancient Egypt),
where will live humans with dark skin color
and descendants of sky race
that came from the land of God Ni.
And human children will teach them to work,
so they can raise crops
and vegetables to feed their children...
„14 (78). Но отсутствие желания трудиться,
объединит Чужеземцев,
и покинут они страну Гор Рукотворных,
и расселятся по всем краям Мидгард-Земли.
И создадут они веру свою,
и объявят себя сынами Бога Единого,
и станут кровь свою и детей своих
приносить в жертву богу своему,
дабы существовал кровный союз
между ними и богом их...”
But deficiency of inclination to work
will unite extraterrestrials
and they will leave ancient Egypt,
and will spread all over Midgard-Earth.
And they will create their own religion,
and will anounce themselves as sons of only one God,
and will start to sacrifice their own blood and blood of their children
to their God,
so that there would exist blood union
between them and their God...
"Эти Кощеи, правители Серых,
сгинули вместе с Луной в получастьи[61]... (61. получастьи - получасть, древняя временная мера=648 долям времени (18,75 секунд).
Но расплатился Мидгард за свободу,
Даарией скрытой Великим Потопом... "
But these Koshei- governors of the grey
disappeared with the moon in 18, 75 seconds.
But Midgard has payed for freedom with
Daaria* hidden with the great flood…
*Daaria is ancient northern continent that drowned:
Picture source:
Daaria is origin of white race. Also some people call it Hyperborea. In Russian Daaria means gift of the Gods.
"12 (140). Воды Луны, тот Потоп сотворили,
на Землю с небес они радугой пали,
ибо Луна разкололась на части,
и ратью Сварожичей[62] в Мидгард спустилась... (. Сварожичей - сварожичами в древности называли не только Богов, но и огненные шары, болиды, метеориты, плазмоиды падающие с небес и шаровые молнии.)
Были разрушены Древние Нити,
что простирались до дальних Чертогов...
и в Междумирьи часть связей прервалась...
Не было слышно зов многодольный,
много Вайтмар потерялось во Сварге..,
прежде чем новые Нити родились,
и был услышан их зов из Чертогов. "
Waters from the moon made that flood,
they fell from the sky as rainbow,
because the moon had asundered into pieces
and came down on Midgard as fire balls/bolides/meteorites/plasmoids
Ancient threads were ruined
the ones that reached till the far away homes…(other inhabited planets)
and part of bonds in the between world got broken…
It wasn’t possible to hear signal that calls vimanas.
(“много” means many and “ДОЛЯ” —in Slavian vedas is ancient time measure that equals 72 moments)
many vimanas got lost in the vault of heaven (the sky)
before new threads were born
and the signal from vimanas, from many homes was heard.
"13 (141). Много погибло в то время народу,
кто не успел на Вайтманах подняться,
или пройти сквозь Врата Междумирья,
и схорониться в Чертоге Медведя..."
Many people died in that time,
those who didn’t manage to fly up in the sky with vimanas
or to get through stargates (gates between worlds)
and to stay alive in home of the Bear (ursa minor, ursa major star constellation.)
These are just few quotes about greys and their masters reptilians.
And in movies they show them as the good guys! Don’t believe the movies or mosic videos that
tell yout hat they are great.
This ancient prediction is scary, but when I see that people get poisoned by water, radiation and started to eat animals because fruits are poisoned (this also was mentioned in Santias) I believe it.
If you don’t believe me search this on web: „Саньтии Веды Перуна (Книга Мудрости Перуна)”
To completely understand meanings of all Santias you’ll need to native Russian speaker to translate them for you. Online translation dictionaries won’t work in this case.
Koshei (КОЩЕЙ) represents reptilians. In Russian mythology he is immortal, keeper of underground world, evil wizard, kidnapper of women and brides.
Look at this picture, he looks like hybrid between humans and reptilians.
Picture source:
I have stumbled upon videos about reptilians and their agenda, check them out:
Start watching at 7:10 or 7:43. At 8:20 man says: “We are just cattle to them!”
Look at the et! He looks like hybrid between reptilians and humans.
In this TV show extraterrestrials from other galaxy eat humans just like reptilians and that’s not just coincidence.
I have been ridiculed for believieng in such things.
In the beginning I didn’t believe such stories about annunaki shapeshifters, but when I encountered one of them I started to believe…
He was the one who told me about their agenda.
This is my dedication to them:
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