Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Annunaki insider tells truth

Please don’t ask, where I got this info because it almost cost me my life and it cost this insider his freedom.
This article is not  for children and sensitive people!

This is just part of their agenda. He didn’t tell me everything for sake of my and yours safety.

1.They want us to die out.
When you ride on public transport, what do you see?
People are listening to their favorite music, but how do they look. They all look miserable and feel depressed and that’s, exactly, the condition they want us to be in.

2.Humans will continue to live on this planet, but as hybrids between humans and annunaki.
Check out these photos:

3.Glases. Did you know that doctors prescribe us glasses with less dioptres than we need.
That’s because to make us loose our sight. Then humans who loose their sight will be delivered to medical institutions to take care off. That’s what they say to us.
In reality people get experimented on in such facilities. Because they don’t see what medicaments they are given. If one of illuminati will get to such facility they will cure him or her, but they give random persons experimental medications to see if they will stay alive after taking pills.

Don’t forget that they already are placing chips in pills:

Even if patient of such facility will realize what they are doing and escape, they could easy track this person using chip!

4.Sometimes café’s and restaurants have sales. That’s the best way to get you to eat genetically modified food.

5.Some celebrities that are under their control get sterilized. Others are forced to give birth to human –annunaki hybrids, but if child will be born with green skin, they will cloak this child to make him look like human.

6.Sometimes annunaki infiltrate among humans to get information. It’s so easy to manipulate humans. If this insider wouldn’t show me, than I wouldn’t believe.
It’s easy not only to manipulate, but much easier is to get information out of women (they like to talk much).

7. Earlier human emotions were sign of weakness, but now they are used not only to control humans, but also annunaki.

8. There’s not going to be end of the world 2012 like in movies. This time Nibiru won’t fly as close as it did last time it approached our planet. Why destroy perfect genetic material when annunaki can use it (our DNA)?
Because of using human DNA now they can breath our air without using devices like they did when they arrived here.
In this video illuminati insider discloses false end of the world and other illuminati stuff.
Video is in Russian, but if you really want to know you will find someone to translate this for you:

I like what he said: “Why do you think illuminati don’t take down such videos? Because our children won’t have children. Get it? One day all humans will realize that they are sterile. This will be end of the world. Because we have sacrificed human race for fun! It has never been so fun like in this century!”

One thing about illuminati insiders, they don’t tell the whole information, but they just will show you where to look for it.

9.Yes, annunaki eat humans, but if there’s no other kind of food. They can eat fresh human flesh, but nowadays they prefer to eat human life force. They don’t need to touch you to drain you from energy. They suck up to your chakras from distance.

No matter how incredible this sounds, this is truth.

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