Thursday, July 19, 2012

Truth about Rebecca Latakesh

Many of you think that I am some kind of spy or secret agent, well, let me tell you that I’m NOT.
I’m NOT a spy.
Some people even think that I am reptilian- shape shifter.
Excuse, do my hands look like reptilian?

Clearly not!
I’m blogger, researcher. I’m here to find out truth about what is really going on in this crazy world.
I wouldn’t write so much about reptilians if I wouldn’t encounter so many of them.
When I go through center of my city every second man that passes me by has reptilian side ridges or central forehead ridges.
They look sth like that:

Central forehead ridge:

And yet many of my friends still don’t believe me.
Well, I can’t tare skin off the reptilians to prove I’m right. That wouldn’t be very wise to attack reptilians!
Just look at their foreheads and eyes!

Annunaki insider on Russia and China 2012

I have previously told you that one of my info sources is annunaki insider.
He calls himself Roger. Of course, that’s just his nickname because reptilian names are hard to pronounce for humans.
He warned me about the fact that something serious is going to happen in Russia and China in 2012.
He was right.
The floods in Крымск, Russia were just the beginning.
Most probably some kind of conflict will begin in Russia in this year and will be continued in next two years because illuminati want to get rid of as many humans as they can.
He can’t tell the whole thing for sake of your and mine safety, but one thing that he tells to pay attention to is signs. Mostly, to numbers in music videos and movies.
This video is called "Rain showers":

In this video at 0:01 "929" on the door, that's like 9/ 29= 9:11
Illuminati give signs to warn others through music videos and movies, so that their people wouldn’t get hurt.
Many of you have heard that some kind false flag event is going to happen in London on 27/7, but most probably there will happen something not just on Olympic stadium, but all around city to cause people to panic. Not only below city, but also above.

Problem, reaction, solution.” /David Icke/